Collection: Paperintables (TM) - Original Art Digital Files

Eric Hill Papercraft Studio features Paperintables (TM). You can buy Paperintables (TM) digital kits, download the digital files, and have immediate access to original artwork or original printables (like ephemera that EHPS has rights to) allowed under EHPS and designs that you can use in your junk journals, cards, ephemera clusters or home decorations as wall art! Print as many times as you want and use in as many projects as you care to make. You have the rights to use the printed images in your projects for personal use or resale.

Note:  Printed images produced from EHPS Paperintables (TM) digital files may be used for personal use or resale. The digital files MAY NOT be reproduced in whole or in part for resale in whole or in part, alone or included with unrelated digital files. Paperintables (TM) digital files are not for resale in any digital form or format and purchase gives PRINT ONLY rights of use to the purchaser.